Sounds impossible!
But it is not! Green Sail Inc. has a utility patent issued (US 11342692 B2) for a junction box that does exactly this. Introducing the first generation 30 second J-Box “OxKor” along with the 30 second Switch “OxWitch” and 30 second Outlet “OxLet”. Go from empty box on the stud to safe and fully operational outlet or switch in less than 30 seconds!
Introducing the Ox Trio


(Note: Neutral Wire is not shown here but is continuous through device in final product)
& OxLet

Easiest Installation Ever
- This innovative junction box system takes less than 30 seconds to fully wire as compared to many minutes with a traditional junction box. Please see the side by side comparison of our product versus a traditional junction box below.
- It is so easy to use that anyone on your electrical crew can get started using this product without any additional training. Please see the following for installation instructions.
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Comparison with Current Products

Assumptions for Comparison
All task times are in seconds unless noted otherwise
* Time study results revealed a wide range from 5 seconds to 25 seconds from various experienced electricians. Average time was over three times higher at 15 seconds for this operation but the low figure is used throughout to give best performance.
This comparison assumes the following conditions:
- All new work is being done at once (typical conditions may have outlet being installed after drywall as a separate step.
- The raw junction box is already securely fastened to the stud
- Only one daisy-chained duplex outlet/receptacle is being installed
- Cables coming into and going out of the box are already cut to an appropriate length
- NM cables are solid not stranded and have insulated hot and neutral but no wire insulation on ground wire or strippable PVC
- Electrician has their first tool in hand, all necessary tools in belt, and all supplies in bucket when the timer starts
- Electrician is organized, professional, and has appropriate experience
- A pace of work that assumes best performance but is also sustainable for 8 hours of work
Additional Benefits
It may not be obvious from the comparison but there are a lot of additional benefits to your company beyond just saving time on the job site. The most direct side benefit is, without any increase in work crew size, you may be able to increase your total project volume and therefore revenue between 5% and 10% be reducing your job times. Also, your ordering is simplified and you no longer have to worry about having as many wire nuts or electrical tape on hand. You might also notice that this system eliminates the need for six to eight extra inches of cable sticking out of a traditional junction box. Put more directly, you will save at least one foot of cable for each cable run. In the context of residential connections where the vast majority of cables run less than 20 feet between junction box connections you are highly likely to exceed a 5% savings on NM Cable costs as well.
From a labor perspective, this product is also likely to improve morale for your electricians, apprentices, or laborers doing the wiring. They will no longer need to carry around so many bulky and heavy tools to get the job done. They also won’t have to fumble around with wing-nuts, or exert as much manual effort to get the same job done. This means they will have more energy throughout the day to keep moving at a stable and rapid pace. And, perhaps the cherry on top, there is no job site waste to cleanup at the end of the day. The Cable/Wire Stripper with refuse bag collects the small pieces of stripped cable sheathing and wire insulation right where it is generated. No more “quarters”, blue plastic pieces, strips of NM-cable sheathing, or random bits of wire and insulation floating around the job site.
We hope that you are intrigued by our product and have found this information packet useful. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us on our Contact page. We are always looking for new ways to improve construction and help the industry build better homes, faster, and cheaper.
We Need Your Help
We are currently looking to bring this product to market but we need your help to make it happen. We are looking to raise money for the following needs.
Workshop or Industrial Space Rental for 12 months | |
Purchase of materials and parts for iterative prototype manufacture | |
Purchase and setup of Prototype Testing Apparatuses | |
Find and Hire an Industrial Engineer to optimize product for mass production | |
First Production Run Dies & Setup for UL Testing | |
UL Rating Testing Fees | |
Trademark, Utility Patent, and Misc. Legal Fees | |
Marketing | |
Purchase of Select Manufacturing and Assembly Equipment to reduce costs. |