I just finished reading the book “White Fragility – Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism” by Robin Diangelo. This is a must read for all white folks and people who enjoy the advantages and privileges of passing as white.
The book explains racism better and much more thoroughly than I could ever hope to. What I will say is that the book is organized with excellent structure and is also a relatively short read. Although it is a little bit repetitive at times, the author clearly defines and describes white fragility and how it operates as one of the key pillars that keeps racism alive and powerful. With a combination of excellent analysis and concrete examples of white fragility in action, Robin Diangelo highlights a few of the most common ways that even “woke” white people maintain racist structures in our society. Although this book is rightly focused solely on racism, the lessons and analysis in this book could also easily be applied to sexism and other forms of societal, systematic, and institutionalized discrimination against marginalized groups of people.
My favorite aspect of this book is that it offers an excellent path for white folks who want to treat people of color with respect and dignity. Woven throughout the book, and summarized at the end, is a clear, concise, and effective process for white people to stop reproducing racism in our actions and our words. It is not easy, it is not a one and done solution, but the author lays out an excellent process that is actionable now and by all white people who want to actively end racism around the world. In summary, more white folks need to read this book.